wood + copper

Sarah + Terry : Beach Plum Inn, Martha's Vineyard

will jacob2 Comments

Number of pictures of

Becca eating - 179

Aidan dabbing - 88

Kevin Kevin-ing - 292

Claudia sewing - 47

Chips the Dog - 23

Number of

Sarah's bones broken - 0, thank goodness.

People mooned - 1 (looking at you, Bob)

Turkeys chased - about a dozen

Prayers said for Adele - more than 2, less than 6 #ShesSad

Selfies - 7,371

Poisonous berries ingested - 0, whew

Will and I were fortunate enough to be part of Sarah and Terry's big day - October 1 - on a slightly rainy, windy autumn day on a small island off the coast of Massachusetts. 

Please follow this link to our Facebook page to view a small-ish sneak preview of images from the day - https://www.facebook.com/woodandcopper/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1027607107358371